Saturday, 14 February 2009

adventure on a Valentine's day

Today Miko made us a delicious breakfast and gave me a sweeeet valentine's card with a picture of two kissing elephants :))
( as I mentioned before I've been given a valentine's gift from Miko some time ago)
After such a nice morning he took me for a very nice trip to Wells and Cheddar Gorge. Oh!
England is so beautiful!!!! I've been dreaming to live here for a very long time and dreams came true :)
Wells is a very lovely and old town. Stunning ruins of Bishop Palace and Bishop Gardens. I love that place. Hope we will go back there in the summer. We visited Cheddar Gorge as well, I was so surprised finding so high and rocky hill there.
We had a perfect day today and now we have so nice evening enjoying wine and whisky .....hmmmm I love my husband :)


Sam said...

Ag the doggy is a magnet!

Yay! I LOVE magnets

xxx lots of love to you and your hubby!!

Lots of love Sammy and Silkie suuuuuueeeee


Emily said...

Terrific photos!! Saw your blod at Silkie Sue's. You're illustrations are just beautiful!

Emily said...

I meant "blog". Obviously :) I've taken some allergy medicine and it's made me a bit loopy.